Pasi Admin replied

612 weeks ago

For applying to the linkshell, we would like to know what kind of jobs you have and notable gear you've obtained. Please list all like shown below. Also, we would like to know what you plan to achieve in the game, or a wish-list you could say.

Jobs - Can also list any jobs in the making below your main job(s).
Main job: _____

Job(s) in progress: _____
Notable Gear
Relic/Empy/Mythic/Delve(Rank?): _____
NNI: ?/15

Wish List
This can be anything from Abyssea items to Delve KIs.

(After you've applied, please send a /tell to me or one of the sack holders of the linkshell ^^, thanks for your consideration and time!)
"Lets roll out"
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